美国KOB 4 电视台在当地时间4月3日晚6点的新闻黄金时间播出了新墨西哥州的第一个地热发电厂LGD地热发电厂开始运行的消息,这一发电厂由美国Cyrq能源建设,中国开山股份提供有机朗肯循环螺杆膨胀发电设备。
在新墨西哥州西南部原野上,自去年12月份以来,就在我们脚下的一种能源得到了利用,当然我们这儿说的能源绝不是化石燃料。LGD地热发电厂的Chuck Smiley说:“40多年来,我们一直知道在我们站着的这片土地的下面有地热资源,它是一种可再生能源,可以用来发电。”
根据来自开山股份管理层的消息,开山股份今年还将向Cyrq 能源的LGD地热发电厂提供数兆瓦装机容量的有机朗肯循环螺杆膨胀发电设备,同时还和Cyrq 能源在所有地热发电项目上进行全面合作,这包括提供发电设备给Cyrq 能源去取代停止运行两年的冰岛卡琳娜循环地热发电设备,并将发电效率提高10%以上。开山还将提供设备给Cyrq 能源,帮助其将业务从地热发电扩展到余热余压利用的领域。
First geothermal plant in New Mexico begins operations
Created: 04/03/2014 6:41 PM
By: Jorge Torres, KOB Eyewitness News 4
Deep in the New Mexico Bootheel, an operation that's been ongoing since this past December has tapped into an energy source that's right underneath us.
No. We're not talking about fossil fuels.
"It's been known for 4 decades that there's geothermal product that's right here right under our feet, and it's a viable source from which we can tap and produce electrical power," said Chuck Smiley from Lightning Dock Geothermal.
Lightning Dock, along with PNM, are now extracting that "geothermal product," which is a renewable resource.
Simply put, it's hot water pumped from reservoirs hundreds of feet below the ground. Heat from the earth's core warms up the water-to temperatures up to 300 degrees. That water helps produce electricity.
That same water is then re-injected into the underground reservoirs, so the water is continuously recycled.
It's been used throughout the west for decades and the Land of Enchantment is finally tapping in.
This plant is the first of its kind right in the state and it can produce up to 4 megawatts of energy, which is enough to power 4,000 homes.
Unlike wind and solar power, it runs 24/7 uninterrupted.
"That's the real difference between the geothermal product and other renewable resources," Smiley said.
By next year, the plant will be capable to provide electricity up to 10,000 homes in New Mexico.
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